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☆ 照著以下步驟,就可以輕鬆租房哦!


【步驟一】 加入會員

立即加入Facebook粉絲會員  小房子粉絲團   按讚

或是加入微博Weibo粉絲關注  台北小房子住宿   

螢火蟲親子芳療館 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

[Reservation Procedure] 

1. Sign up as member
Fill in the  [Enquiry Form] and mail it to
(This allows us to provide the best accommodation arrangement according to your requirements)
We are not hotel, B & B . C’est un petit maison offers short term rental and leasing accommodation service. 21% discount on rental will be given to those who signed up for long term lodging contract.


螢火蟲親子芳療館 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()